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Week 3 of Fitness Blender's 30 Day Challenge

Good morning FB Family!

How is everyone feeling now that you’re halfway through the challenge? Strong? Amused? Hungry? (Or is this last one just me and my forever growling stomach?) 

During this third week of training, we once again up the overall intensity of the workouts to keep you challenged and discovering new levels of confidence. Below is a peek at what Week 3 has in store for you:

WEEK 3 - This week, we up the average duration to 45 minutes/day at a average difficulty of 3.3

(If you haven't already, you can add the entire challenge to your calendar with one click: 30 Day Challenge: Strength, HIIT, Mobility.)

You’ll notice the biggest change between this week and the past two weeks of training is the shift from a split upper/lower body strength focus to three total body strength sessions scattered throughout the week. Combining all muscle focuses in one training session ups the intensity of the workout due to the increased energy demand; therefore, you’ll find that a lower intensity cardio or mobility/core routine follows each total body strength workout this week. Use these less intense workouts to identify areas of soreness and note if/how this achiness affects your energy levels, range of motion, and mental state. Think of these active recovery sessions as both a mental and physical reset. 

As you finish out this week of training, be proud of your journey thus far and remember that all the data you collect about your performance along the way is feedback not judgment! Take these reflections with you into next week’s final training sessions, as we up the intensity one last time with two level 5 strength routines and a combination of the structures from Weeks 1-2 and Week 3. 

Check in with all of us here and let us know how Week 3 of training is going for you! A post-workout selfie also couldn’t hurt. 

Let’s chat and I’ll see you on the screen!

-Coach Tasha 

P.S. Speaking of post-workout selfies, about the photo: ‘On-Screen Tasha’ who pushes herself but still needs to be able to demo and speak clearly versus ‘All-In Tasha’ who challenges herself (safely) to the max. Forehead veins, disheveled topknot, and vision-blurring puddles of sweat. Testing your limits isn’t always a glamorous process but that doesn’t mean we should shy away from it – go for it!